Mr. Zeshan Ali

Mr. Zeshan Ali


Zeshan Ali holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy in English Applied Linguistics with a specialization in computational linguistics. With over six years of teaching experience at The University of Lahore, he has developed a deep passion for academia and education. His expertise lies in English language instruction, and he is well-versed in both writing and editing, making him a skilled professional in strategic communication and communicative behavior. At Eye on Ivy, Zeshan Ali works closely with students, guiding them to create compelling and effective resumes that stand out. His background in linguistics and experience in teaching provide him with a unique ability to help students communicate their strengths clearly and persuasively, making him a valuable asset in helping them succeed academically and professionally.


We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)