The National Readers’ Conference brought together industry leaders and intellectuals to promote a culture of reading in Pakistan. Organized by the non-governmental organization Read Pakistan. The event explored the importance of literacy and education in cultivating a progressive society.
A number of speakers spoke on the topics of promoting reading, culture, literacy and progressive ideas across Pakistan. Speakers included the Ambassador of Portugal Frederico Silva, First Secretary of the Embassy of Belgium Gilles Hachez. Dr. Mubarak Ali, author of the book History of Pakistan, and Farhan Aziz, director general of the Civil Services Academy.
Many shared personal anecdotes of how reading influenced their lives positively, by developing a more nuanced and constructive mind-set.
There was also a panel discussion on the role of reading in promoting critical thinking moderated by Sadaf Raza, a Reiki master. Panelists included Maya Sadia Hamidi, principal of Rung School of Music and Arts, Sanober Nazira, author/activist, Dr. Sidiqullah Khan, poet/philosopher, Faisal Malik, ed-tech expert/activist.
Prize Distribution Ceremony at National Readers’ Confernce
The event concluded with a prize distribution ceremony with awards and cash prizes given to winners and high achievers. For different competitions including essay writing, book reading and poetry recitation. At conference, the cash prizes were a generous gift from the embassies of Belgium and Portugal. The mood throughout the event, and more so during the awards ceremony, was quite enthusiastic and festive in nature. With eager students roaring in applause to award announcements. As event was a great networking opportunity with participants getting a chance to interact with like-minded individuals. Eye on Ivy was there as a staunch supporter of promoting education in Pakistan. EOI is a long-time partner of Read Pakistan with our students regularly interning and volunteering with the organization. Founder of Read Pakistan, Syeda Fatima Gillani, appreciated EOI’s presence at the event. She also commented on how confident and well-groomed our students are.
More About National Readers’ Confernce
The keynote speakers made up the bulk of conference activity. Each speaking on-stage for a few minutes or more, along with the organizers of the event. Genuine concern was conveyed for spreading reading culture, literacy, and progressive ideas across Pakistan. Many shared personal anecdotes of how reading influenced their lives positively, by developing a more nuanced and constructive mindset.
After the conclusion of the first five keynote speeches, a moderated panel discussion commenced between five participants/experts, with one moderating the discussion, which was predominantly about the role of reading in cultivating critical thinking.
The next phase was five more keynote speakers, with Sabeen Naz standing out due to her energetic and entertaining efforts to capture the collective attention of the audience. The last leg of the event was a lengthy award distribution ceremony followed by concluding remarks.
Awards such as souvenirs and cash prizes were distributed amongst winners and high-achievers of competitions in essay writing, number of books read over stipulated time periods, and poetry recitations. The mood throughout the event, more so during the awards ceremony, was quite enthusiastic and festive in nature, with eager students roaring in applause to award announcements. The awards were presented and handed over to the winners on-stage, primarily by the Ambassadorial representatives, from Belgium (First Secretary) and Portugal (Second Secretary).
Traditional networking was a challenge due to the announcement of tea and refreshments in the end, which had the majority of participants scurrying to an adjacent room where refreshments were being served. However, some meaningful conversations about EOI, Read Pakistan, and NRC did take place, especially with the founder of the event, Syeda Fatima, who spoke of her close relationship with EOI, and how she’s noticed a unique confidence about our students.
Speakers & Panel Discussion Members at National Readers’ Conference
List of keynote speakers in the order they spoke in.
- Syeda Fatima Hassan Gilani (Founder)
- Dr. Mubarak Ali (History of Pakistan – Author)
- Sofia Shahid (50 Books-a-Year-BAY Competition)
- Farhan Aziz Khawaja (DG Civil Services Academy)
- Dr. Rukhshanda Parveen (Gender Activist)
The participant-experts for the panel discussion.
- Maya Sufiya / Sadia Hamidi (Principal Rung School of Art)
- Sanober Nazira (Writer – Activist)
- Dr. Sidiqullah Khan (Poet – Philosopher)
- Faisal Malik (Ed-tech expert, reading activist)
- Sadaf Raza – Session Moderator (Reiki Master)
List of the 2nd phase of keynote speakers.
- Munir Ahmed (Author, Development Strategist)
- Ms. Sabeen Naz (Educationist)
- Amb Salahuddin Chaudhry (Founder & CEO of Read Pakistan)
- First Secretary Gilles Hachez (Embassy of Belgium)
- Second Secretary Alexandra Smith (Embassy of Portugal)
The Serena Hotel’s ‘Public Diplomacy Initiative’ provided financial support for holding the NRC event, and the awards/prizes were contributed by the respective Embassies of Belgium and Portugal.