Deferred MBA Experience | Eye On Ivy

Future Forward: The Deferred MBA Experience

Ms. Shanza Khan, CEO of Eye on Ivy, in a recently held event at Lahore University of Management and Sciences (LUMS) demystified the Deferred MBA application process (The Deferred MBA Experience) and offered expert advice to help students navigate their academic journey.

Attendees heard firsthand from Haider Sultan, Pakistan’s Trailblazing Yale Silver Scholar, as he shared his journey to success through a Deferred MBA program.

Toward the end, there was a lively Q&A session where attendees cleared doubts about Deferred MBA and gained clarity.

It was a great opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration that could shape student’s career paths where she provided valuable insights and expert advice to help students navigate the Deferred MBA application process.

Future Forward: The Deferred MBA Experience!

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