Get College Ready - Subject Selection Workshop

Get College Ready With Eye On Ivy

SICAS Girls Campus O Levels Branch, Lahore – Subject Selection Workshop

A profile building workshop was conducted at the O’Level orientation for students and parents at SICAS Girls Campus, Lahore. The session was interactive and covered topics such as subject selection, taking career tests to determine high potential areas and aptitudes. Get college ready by exploring extracurriculars outside of school and building volunteer hours to develop a wholesome profile targeted toward specific career goals. The talk was followed by one to one meetings with attendees to answer questions about costs and programs at colleges in Pakistan and other countries including USA, Europe, UK, Singapore & Australia. 

For more information on getting college ready, contact our counsellors today:

Mehreen Haq, Profile Builder Counselor 

College Admissions, Eye on Ivy 

Contact Number: +923103335591

Email Address:

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